Descriptions Help: Vampire Penguins Stole My Granny! Free Online

Lexi Mac is not your average 12 year old girl, she’s ditched school to solve crimes! On a particularly slow day in her Edinburgh office, ‘as slow as a sloth on a tortoise’s back’, she’s vintage Hollywood gumshoe, a client, Dylan Macalonie, turns up with the most extraordinary of claims. “Help, vampire penguins stole my granny!” Lexi’s desperate to sink her teeth into this case but first has to get the okay from her pathologist mum to visit the crime scene. Permission granted, as long as Marlowe her faithful bloodhound goes too, the trio set off for Primrose Cottage near Dundee. Lexi doesn’t do co-incidences so when she discovers the RRS Discovery, a ship known to have travelled to Antarctica and real live penguins, well plastic ones anyway, our ace detective sees the clues tumbling like dice on a Cludeo board. A fingertip search of Granny’s garden reveals an item which causes Dylan to collapse like a tower of Jenga – blood! Lexi, Dylan and Marlowe get caught up in the murky world of blackmail and environmental plunder in their bid to rescue Granny from the clutches of death! They encounter vampires, not only of the penguin variety, a one hundred and seventy year old sea dog and an unscrupulous Peer of the Realm nd get stuck with a dead body! The three have a close shave with the police, nearly end up boiled and spread on toast, have a helter skelter helicopter ride, get shot at and risk getting flung off the Forth Road Bridge. All in a day's work for our sensational sleuth, Lexi Macintosh P.I., 4Th Grade Reading Books .