Descriptions Romeow and Drooliet Free Online

Author-artist Nina Laden has taken her trademark wit and applied it to one of Shakespeare's best-loved plays. Adults familiar with the classic love story will delight in the many references to the original play, all of which make this a rarity: a children's book they want to read again and again. And young children who know nothing of the Bard will be riveted by this funny yet touching tale about Romeow the cat and Drooliet the dog, two star-crossed lovers who meet by chance, marry in secret, and are kept apart by a snarling rottweiler, appalled owners, and the animal control warden. The clever details throughout the book belie the careful research behind this homage to true love won and lostand in the case of this book won againproving once and for all that dogs and cats can be friends. Plus, this is a fixed-format version of the book, which looks nearly identical to the print version., Second Grade Reading Books .