Descriptions Real Mermaids Don't Hold Their Breath Download

Normal is Never Coming Back
Jade is totally confused. As in, "will this be a leg-day or a tail-day?" kind of confused. Even worse, it's been forever since her first kiss with Luke and now—nothing. Not even a text message.
But Jade doesn't have time to figure out the weirdness of boys and how to use her shiny new tail. (Seriously, being a mermaid should come with a handbook.) She has to come up with a plan to get her missing mermaid mom back on dry land.
The only problem is...Jade is afraid of the ocean. But even aqua-phobic mer-girls have to take the plunge sometime...
Praise for Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings:
"Bravo to Hélène Boudreau for hitting the bull's-eye with a fresh, affectionate, watery twist on the classic coming-of-age-story."—New York Journal of Books
"The author keeps suspense high...while tapping straight into young teens' angst about friends, enemies, and boys."—Kirkus
Normal is Never Coming Back
Jade is totally confused. As in, "will this be a leg-day or a tail-day?" kind of confused. Even worse, it's been forever since her first kiss with Luke and now—nothing. Not even a text message.
But Jade doesn't have time to figure out the weirdness of boys and how to use her shiny new tail. (Seriously, being a mermaid should come with a handbook.) She has to come up with a plan to get her missing mermaid mom back on dry land.
The only problem is...Jade is afraid of the ocean. But even aqua-phobic mer-girls have to take the plunge sometime...
Praise for Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings:
"Bravo to Hélène Boudreau for hitting the bull's-eye with a fresh, affectionate, watery twist on the classic coming-of-age-story."—New York Journal of Books
"The author keeps suspense high...while tapping straight into young teens' angst about friends, enemies, and boys."—Kirkus